
Script for automating desktop logoffs in Horizon.

This script will let users know that there desktop will restart after 3 days if they don’t logout. It checks after 3 days and anyone who’s session is less than 5 days old won’t be restarted and everyone else will.

This requires the AD powershell module that gets installed with the AD RSAT tools and vmware hv helper module

Get-Module -ListAvailable *VM* | Import-Module
Import-Module VMware.hv.helper
$emailBody="Message to Users"
$emailSubject="Planned restart of all Virtual Desktops"
$server=Connect-HVServer -Server $hvServer -User $hvUser -Password $hvPassword -Domain $hvDomain

#Warn of Logoff in 3 days
foreach($sessionSummary in $sessionSummaries)
    $sessionLength=$(get-date) - $sessionSummary.SessionData.StartTime 
    if($sessionLength.Days -gt 4)
        $sessionUserName=$sessionSummary.NamesData.UserName -creplace '^[^\\]*\\', ''
        $sessionEmail=(((Get-ADUser $sessionUserName -Properties mail | select mail) -replace "@{mail=","") -replace "}","")
        Send-MailMessage -To $sessionEmail -From $emailFrom -SmtpServer $emailSmtpServer -Subject $emailSubject  -Body $emailBody

#Wait 3 Days
Start-Sleep -Seconds 259200

#Logoff all desktops that have sessions longer then 5 days
foreach($sessionSummary in $sessionSummaries)
    $sessionLength=$(get-date) - $sessionSummary.SessionData.StartTime 
    if($sessionLength.Days -gt 5)

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